Missouri Advocates For Families Affected by Autism

We are a citizens action group advocating and lobbying for families that have a child with special needs. We believe that EVERY child has a right to a FREE and APPROPRIATE EDUCATION and should NEVER BE LEFT BEHIND.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Section 504 - Civil Rights Law, Protection from Discrimination - Wrightslaw

Section 504 - Civil Rights Law, Protection from Discrimination - Wrightslaw

Office of Civil Rights sends Resolution/Closure Letter in 'life threatening" Peanut Allergy case. Gloucester County, VA argued to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) that a child with a life-threatening peanut allergy was not a child with a disability and therefore not entitled to either an IEP or a 504 plan. With complaints, OCR normally looks at the "process requirements of Section 504" and not the substance of "individual placement and other educational decisions made by a school division." However, in "extraordinary circumstances" OCR will review placement and "other educational decisions."

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