Missouri Advocates For Families Affected by Autism

We are a citizens action group advocating and lobbying for families that have a child with special needs. We believe that EVERY child has a right to a FREE and APPROPRIATE EDUCATION and should NEVER BE LEFT BEHIND.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Do You Believe That People With Disabilities Should Have The Right To Make Their Own Decisions?

email : Webview

Do you believe that people with disabilities should have the right to make decisions about our own services? To choose with whom and where we live? To be able to invite visitors home and make our own decisions about how to spend our day, decorate our homes and what kinds of services we want and don't want? Today, you have an opportunity to make these rules law! 

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the government agency that funds most disability service provision in the United States, has put forward a regulation that would set out requirements for how service providers receiving Home and Community Based Services funding can behave. CMS has proposed a wide variety of crucial protections, such as protecting people with disabilities from eviction from our homes due to refusing a particular service or treatment, requiring that community providers must respect the choice and autonomy of the people they support and many other important protections that will empower people with disabilities in interactions with their service providers.

But these regulations are facing severe opposition from many in the provider industry that believe that people with disabilities are "too disabled" to make these choices for ourselves. We have till this Monday to make our voices heard, before the CMS Public Comment period closes for good! Follow these simple instructions to make sure you're represented:

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