Missouri Advocates For Families Affected by Autism

We are a citizens action group advocating and lobbying for families that have a child with special needs. We believe that EVERY child has a right to a FREE and APPROPRIATE EDUCATION and should NEVER BE LEFT BEHIND.

Friday, April 27, 2012

We Need Your Help

SB595 wasn’t heard in the rules committee this week.  We need to start a campaign to move the bill forward.  Please contact your representatives, the House Speaker, the Floor Leader, and the Rules Chair.  Ask them to move the bill forward so that it can be heard on the floor.  I would include any story that is relevant of how this bill will affect your child and others in Missouri. 

I have posted the email addresses for the House Speaker, the Floor Leader, and the Rules Chair.  If you need help finding the email address for your Representative let me know. 

Thanks for you help.

Steven Tilley
District 106
Speaker of the House

Timothy Jones
District 089
Majority Floor Leader

John Diehl
District 087

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